Zion's Lighthouse
Support Groups
Baby Loss at any stage is devastating and changes your family forever.
To help you survive the emotional impact of your loss, it is important that you take care of yourself and your loved ones, and make the most of the many support services available to you. Be kind to yourself.
Here is a helpful list of the support available to you and your family.
Children of Jannah
Supporting bereaved parents who experience baby loss, holding at their core the Muslim belief that all children who die enter Heaven (called Jannah in Arabic).
Get in touch via website (live chat available): https://www.childrenofjannah.com/contact
Teddy’s Wish
Support for bereaved parents and families through care packages and fully funded counselling.
Contact them via the website: https://www.teddyswish.org/contact-us/
Muma Nurture
Supports fertility, pregnancy and related loss through counselling, holistic therapies and support groups.
Contact Number: 01323 325558
Email: contact@mumanurture.org.
Saying Goodbye
A UK-based charity that provides support to anyone who has suffered the loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in infancy.
Contact them via the website: www.sayinggoodbye.org
Held In Our Hearts
Providing virtual baby loss counselling and also befriending and regular support groups online for bereavement support, dads’ support, twin and multiple loss support, antenatal results and choices support, grandparents’ support, pregnancy support and parenting after loss.
Email: info@heldinourhearts.org.uk
Website: www.heldinourhearts.org.uk
ARC: Antenatal Results and Choices
Specialised bereavement support around termination of pregnancy after a prenatal diagnosis.
Website: www.arc-uk.org
Contact Number: 020 7713 7486
Email: info@arc-uk.org
Health information for parents-to-be, parents including health information and support, and funding for research into the causes of pregnancy loss.
Email: midwife@tommys.org
Website: https://www.tommys.org
The Miscarriage Association
Support and information for anyone affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy with helpline, live chat, email service and online support available.
Website: https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/
Helpline: 01924 200799 (Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm)
Email: info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk
Stillbirth and neonatal death charity. Up-to-date information and support available for bereaved parents, families and healthcare professionals.
Helpline: 0207 436 5881
Email: helpline@sands.org.uk
Website: https://www.sands.org.uk/about-sands
Bro Morgannwg Baby Loss Support Group
Charity providing support to bereaved families following the loss of a baby. Meetings offer a safe, confidential environment where predominately mothers come to share and listen to experiences of other bereaved mums.
Email: Jess@bromorgannwgbabyloss.net / Tara@bromorgannwgbabyloss.net
Facebook: Bro Morgannwg Baby Loss Support Group